In The Press

Newcastle Chronicle “Today marks 80 years since Britain entered World War II. Now, TimeGhost, a dedicated team of historians, documentary film makers, and social media creators is creating a real-time YouTube, Instagram and Facebook-based documentary series which covers the war week by week and day by day for the entire six years of the conflict. Some surveys show that younger people do not really understand the war and its influence on today’s world. Social media presents an unprecedented opportunity to bridge that generational gap. Knowledge is now shareable to everyone with an internet connection. […]”

ABC News did a live Interview with Indy and Spartacus on the occasion of the 75 year anniversary of D-Day.

Tubefilter “The most obvious subject for a Great War follow-up is World War II, which can provide six more years of content. Unsurprisingly, that’s the path Neidell plans to take, but his not going to go alone. Instead, he has recruited multiple experts from the YouTube community, who will join him to turn the World War II edition of The Great War into a massive collaboration.”

Forbes by Steve Forbes himself
“Here’s A Fascinating Way To Learn About History’s Most Devastating Man-Made Disaster […] This is an impressive achievement.”

Patreon Blog “It will be a great idea to start a Youtube Channel covering just World War I!” Said no one ever. That is, up until May of 2014, when Indy Neidell and Spartacus Olsson decided to launch The Great War on YouTube […]”

“Slowly but surely, “The Great War” on YouTube is becoming the most expansive repository of World War I knowledge ever produced.”

“In den Weiten von YouTube gibt es viele Kanäle, die in Sachen Qualität oder Originalität selbst Fernsehproduktionen ausstechen.”
“In the wide world of YouTube there are many channels that even exceed the quality, or originality of television productions.