Ad boycott on YouTube – brands and Google could fix this and help the world!

In 1963 JFK reminded America that education is the best way to stop tyranny and safeguard democracy. He also called out for all educated people to take their responsibility and participate. The Internet was largely founded on the idea of sharing and expanding knowledge… well that and enabling the military to kill people faster, more accurately and … More Ad boycott on YouTube – brands and Google could fix this and help the world!

“Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution”

In his last speech before being assassinated in 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of how the modern technological revolution is driving social change. He reminded us that we must be “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution” – 49 years ago this month, six years before the first PC, ten years before email, 20 years … More “Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution”

This is ONLION……

ONLION fördert Formate, die eine gesunde Balance halten zwischen kommerzieller Ausrichtung und inhaltlicher Relevanz. Missionstatement Wir erleben eine neue Medienwelt. Kaum dem Schulalter entwachsene mutige Medienmacher beanspruchen laut und selbstbewusst den Trendsetter Status im Netz und entwickeln sich zum unumgänglichen Machtfaktor,  dem die Konsumgüter Industrie Rechnung trägt. Mit Zivilcourage, Kreativität und technischem Verständnis bauen sie … More This is ONLION……